Selasa, 31 Juli 2007

Teamwork - A Competitive Advantage

To value the importance of teamwork, we have to appreciatethe value of every individual. Many managers think that theyare good team players. When they get into action, they beginto “take charge” of the whole process and dictate their beliefs.They are deaf to other people's inputs and suggestions.Sometimes, they may ask for ideas from the members andappear receptive. At the back of their minds,

Rabu, 18 Juli 2007

Boss's pet and Favoritism

Favoritism is a human trait found in many relationships, e.g.,parent-children, teacher-students. As long as there are twopersons we have to interact with, it is in our nature to compareand favor one over the other. CEOs, employers, bosses andmanagers who deny that they have pet employees aredeceiving themselves. They should accept that they have, butbe skillful enough to manage the feelings

Rabu, 11 Juli 2007

Value Ideas and Staff Suggestions

Many of the success stories begin with simple ideas. In thecourse of work, your employees or staff may likewise havecreative ideas and innovative solutions to carry out their workmore effectively and efficiently. Sometimes, they improvise theprocesses without the Management being aware of it. It couldvery well be that the same improvisation can be applied to otherwork processes across the