Jumat, 21 September 2007

Workaholics with No Balanced Life

There is no indefinite job security. Market conditions fluctuate sofast that workers would rather play it safe by working into thegood books of the employer. What better way to do that than tobe the first person to step into the office and the last to leave. Whatstarted out as pure work enthusiasts end up being workaholics.Workaholics' lives center around work and nothing else.Workaholism was

Jumat, 14 September 2007

My Boss is an Idiot

Working hard and being extremely competent in what you do isnot the key to getting a promotion. Not when you have an idiotand a fool as a boss, supervisor or manager. All of us may at onetime or other work with bosses who belong to that “no-brain,no-skill” category, and our favorite happy-hour conversationsalways center upon how these bosses got to that position ofpower in the first place. It

Selasa, 04 September 2007

Control and Overcome Procrastination

Procrastination – putting off till tomorrow things that we shoulddo today. At some point in our lives, we are either guilty ofprocrastination or know of friends or colleagues who are. Isprocrastination a bad thing? Would you call procrastinators lazy?Are they poor decision makers? Would you marry or stay marriedto a procrastinator? As you will read, we do not viewprocrastination as an act of