Rabu, 27 Juni 2007

Problem Solving: Define Problem

One mistake that people often make when they are faced with asituation is to jump straight into finding solutions, giving littlethought to defining the problem. For example, a hotel managersaw a sudden dip in occupancy rate, and asked the staff topropose “ways to increase the occupancy rate.” Everyone wentfull steam into publicity, promotional offers, events and othergimmicks. Months later,

Sabtu, 16 Juni 2007

The Boss is Always Right

In many places of work, there is only one rule – “The Boss isAlways Right” or “The Boss is Never Wrong”. What if we knowthat the Boss is wrong? Well, simple ... refer back to the rule.All around us, we see and hear of double standards andinequality. The recent case of celebrity heiress Paris Hiltonbeing released after three days in Los Angeles jail sparkedfierce debates on the seemingly unequal

Kamis, 07 Juni 2007

Conflict Resolution at Work

No two humans come out of the same mold and differencesin ideas and opinions are bound to arise. Differences lead toConflicts. When well-handled, conflicts are in effect good forthe organization as they often lead to creative ideas andchanges for the better. Conflicts become counterproductivewhen they give rise to enmity, hostility, tension, confusionand sabotage among the workers. If